Keywords: Jesús Huerta de Soto
Jesús Huerta de Soto, artisan of new horizons on the origin of economic cycles and crises, in his book, Bani, credit bancar ?i cicluri economice which was published in Romanian by the “Al. I Cuza” University Publishing House in collaboration with Ludwig von Mises Institute, Bucarest, 2010
An anniversary such as the one by which “Al. I. Cuza” University celebrated 150 years since its foundation can be emphasized and remembered in many ways. In our opinion, it would be proper to draw attention to the existence of some seminal works in world knowledge. The University of Iasi celebrated its anniversary by translating and publishing the book Bani, credit bancar ?i cicluri economice by Jesús Huerta de Soto, reputed professor of Political Economy at the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid, Spain; “A professor of a rare talent, a scholar of an extremely wide intellectual horizon and with a deeply analytic capacity, and a writer who can make Economics to show as the best literary work, Senõr Jesús Huerta de Soto ought to be named one of the last “Humboldtian” academics in the university field of economic science” – in the concluding words to the touching Laudatio by which the Spanish professor was rightfully awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi. We would like to underline that he is a professor with a fascinating scientific and academic carrier, with many valuable books, with a great intellectual tenure consumed in seminal issues and for the purpose of answering fundamental issues in economics.
Of all his scientific products, we stopped at one, a true “magnum opus”, synthesis of the first main direction of research, monetary theory, banking and cycle theory, developed by professor de Soto in Bani, credit bancar ?i cicluri economice. First published in Spanish, in 1998, as Dinero, Credito Bancario y Ciclos Economicos, according to the most experienced voices in the field, the work is one of the most complete, consistent and covering treaties on money, credit and economic cycle published in the literature of the field.